Zinc 12% (Amino Acid Chelate)

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  • Zinc (Amino Acid Chelate) 12% minimum
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SKU: 17-1 Category: Tag:


  • It effectively fulfills the demand of zinc in plants.
  • It prevents the formation of abnormally small leaves.
  • It increases the yield by decreasing flower and fruit drop substantially.
  • It is compatible with most of the pesticides and other water sprayable agrochemicals.
  • It increases plant’s resistance to diseases.


  • For Foliar Spray: Dissolve 1.5 gm of Tatwa Zinc 12% Amino Acid Chelate per litre of water
  • For Soil Application: 500g of Tatwa Zinc 12% Amino Acid Chelate applied uniformly over one acre.


Available in:

  • 250 gm
  • 500 gm