Super Rooter

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99% Water Soluable Potassium Humate:


  • Potassium Humate + Fulvate  90-92%
  • Potash as K2O  8-9%
  • Moisture  1%
  • Water Solubility  99%
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SKU: 8-1 Category: Tags: ,


  • It increases the nutrient uptake in plant & water retention in the soil.
  • It helps in the development of roots during the primitive growth stage.
  • Its improves the soil structure for better root growth and bacterial activity.
  • Protects plant from chlorosis and increase chlorophyll level of the leaves.


  • Soil application – 500g / acre
  • Foliar application – 1.5 g / ℓ water


Available in:

  • 250 gm
  • 500 gm
  • 1 Kg

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