Commando Max

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Product for Soil Fertility & Crop Growth:


  • Humate Acid 60%
  • Fulvic Acid 15%
  • Potash as K2O  12%
  • Moisture  12%
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SKU: 18 Category: Tags: , ,


  • Commando Max acts as natural growth enhancer.
  • Commando Max increases the germination of the seeds.
  • Commando Max provides strength to the roots by improving the structure & aeration of the soil.
  • Commando Max improves drought resistance and soil structure.
  • Protects plants from chlorosis and increases chlorophyll level of the leaves.


  • Soil application – 1 Kg / acre
  • Foliar application – 2.5 g / ℓ water


Available in:

  • 1 Kg

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