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Paraquate Dichloride 24 % SL

AAG ( Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) is broad spectrum, non selective & contact herbicide containing 24% Paraquat dichloride A.I which effectively controls broadleaved weeds & grasses.  During photosynthesis superoxide generated, which damages cell membranes and cytoplasm. Its generally used between the crop rows and Non-cropped area.

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Available in:

  • 500 ml
  • 1 Ltr
  • 5 Ltr


It is used to control Imperata cylindrica, Setaria sp., Commelina benghalenis, Boerhavia hispida paspa-lum conjugatum of tea and weeds of Potato, Cotton, Rubber, Rice, Wheat, Grapes & Aquatic Weeds